Details of the release history of North52 Decision Suite. Download latest and past versions.
v1.0.0.649 (TBD-Apr-2025)
New Features
- Added support for Microsoft Source Control
- Ensure that GetFormId() returns an empty Guid for Quick Create forms.
- Increased performance for Publishing
New Functions
- N\A
Portal Features
- N\A
- N\A
v1.0.0.647 (27-Jan-2025)
New Features
- N\A
New Functions
- FileDownload(), FileUpload() , FileDelete()
Portal Features
- N\A
- Fixed Publish issue with formula detail (fetch-xml) by reverting EnableLiteRetrieve flag to a default of false
v1.0.0.646 (16-Jan-2025)
New Features
- Set EnableLiteRetrieve flag to a default of true
- Enhanced OpenForm() function to open non-modal windows
- Enhanced trace log information
- New option to create trace logs under the System user
New Functions
- IntToChar(), CharToInt()
Portal Features
- N\A
- Fixed Solution Import error about sdk message processing steps registered on the Solution entity (details, )
v1.0.0.645 (07-Oct-2024)
New Features
- Enhance Source Property list box to clearly show patch solutions
New Functions
- Log(), Log10()
Portal Features
- Add ability to use multi-step GUID for form selection
- Fixed issue with Version field updating on N52 Schedule when Next Run Datetime field updated
- Fixed issue with GetDifferenceWorkingTime() function where IncludeBusinessCloseDates parameter not being used corrrectly
- Fixed issue on datetime fields used on a Portal when firing the OnChange() event
v1.0.0.642 (02-Jul-2024)
New Features
- Updated docs for GeoCodeBing(), Translate() and GetExchangeRate() functions
- Set Post as default HTTP verb for client-side formulas
- Enhance ShowsTabs & HideTabs to auto work on all tabs on form
- Added ability to suppress duplicates on QualifyLead function
- Added support for custom properties for Azure Queues
- Changed standard security role to allow assignment via Team for Organizational Create on N52 Trace
- Allow ability to create activity parties for unresolved email addresses
- Added ability for ## as default for single space character
- Added ability of ExecuteMSFlowRequest() function to take an Auth Token
- Add configuration to control Solution Linking
New Functions
- CloseUI(), ClosePane(), CollapsePane(), ExpandPane()
- WinOpportunity(), LoseOpportunity()
Portal Features
- Added ability to set focus on a field via a Page Validator
- Increase from 50 to 500 the number of related formulas on a portals form
- Fixed issue with the name of the function GetRecordIDEntityReferenceCollection()
- Fixed issue in TestShield when using the companyname field in a test
- Fixed issue with character encoding for IsUserInSecurityRoles()
- Fixed bug when using # as default for empty space in field references
v1.0.0.641 (14-Apr-2024)
New Features
- Added support for the enhanced Portal datamodel
- Enhanced support for return variables via ExecuteFormulaNative()
New Functions
- GetPartyListItemAddressUsed()
- SetClientSideDateTime()
Portal Features
- Enhanced support for SetPickListValues()
- Fixed issue with Multi-Step forms regarding trigger selection
- Fixed issue with data validation on number like fields
- Fix for iscreate for multi-step forms
- Setformnotification fix for temp page validators on multi-step forms
- Setformnotification for enhanced portals
- Fixed issue when copying a multi-select field value from a parent to a child
- Fixed timezone issue when setting datetime fields on the client-side
- Fixed javascript error when using the out of the box workorder entity form
- Fixed visibility issue with HideShowLeftHandNavItems() function
- Fixed issue when clearing a datetime field on the client-side
v1.0.0.640 (25-Jan-2024)
New Features
- Added ability to determine the trigger event for a client-side formula
- Enhanced Publish configuration so that data retrieval is minimized
- Provide support for Microsoft.PowerApps.PowerAppsOneGrid
New Functions
- GetFormTriggerEvent(),
- ClearFieldsNoTrigger(), ClearHideFields(), ClearHideFieldsNoTrigger()
Portal Features
- Enhanced support for SetPickListValues()
- Fixed issue with Multi-Step forms regarding trigger selection
- Fixed issue on tab names not appearing in certain languages
- Fixed issue with Quick Button confirmation message attribute
- Fixed issue in client-side processing for constant variable
v1.0.0.638 (5-Jul-2023)
New Features
- Added ability to open the most recent Trace Log record from a formula
- Added ability to Toggle Word Wrap on any cell in Decision Table
- Added better error messages around sdkmessagefilter
- Added better error messages around solution publishing
- Added ability to exclude a Decision Table
- Allow editing of the next run date time on a Schedule record inside a managed solution
- Enhanced tracing for BPSetActiveStageSS() function
New Functions
- RoundEx(), ExtractDataBetweenTwoStrings()
- ContainsDataList(), DoesNotContainDataList(), ContainsDataAndNotZeroList()
Portal Features
- Added ability to support multi-step forms.
- Fixed issue when using OR conditions when right hand side was empty
- Fixed issue with trailing new lines at end of fetch-xml query in a Decision Table
- Fixed issue relating to the name element of lookups being used in client-side formulas
- Fixed issue relating to plugin registration and not finding the appropriate sdk message
v1.0.0.634 (24-Mar-2023)
New Features
- Allow CreateUIProperty() function to take JSON as a parameter
- Enhance error detection on the ForEachRecordEntity() function
- Allow the ThrowError() function to display native client-side error messages
- Allow configuration of timeout exceptions to be logged separately
- Added extra debug information on SDK Message Processing Steps logic
New Functions
- N\A
Portal Features
- Added support lookup - displayed as picklist
- Fix spacing issue when hiding fields with 2 column sections
- Added support for 'refid' for - On Create get details of Parent Record
- Added support for Configuration changes via a Content Snippet
- Fixed the FindRecordsAuditHtml() function so that it handles Money fields correctly
- Fixed issue with deployment of xCache record when only using the non-secure field
- Fixed DataPackager issue relating to special chars & long text not getting unique guids
- Fixed DataPackager issue relating to sheet and row references for special chars & long text
v1.0.0.632 (27-Sep-2022)
New Features
- Allow default value of 'guid' to be a blank guid for fetch-xml queries
- Enhanced function OutputToTrace() to take a parameter deciding the number of characters to send to trace log
- Allow entityimage updates on custom entityimage fields
- Allow UpdateEntityNative() function to support updating multi-select fields
- Enhanced support for picklists displayed as radio buttons in Portal projects.
New Functions
- GetOptionSetValueExternal(), CloneInActiveRecords()
- Annuity_Rate(), Annuity_PMT(), Annuity_PPMT(), Annuity_PV(), Annuity_FV(), Annuity_IPMT(), Annuity_NPER()
- Depreciation_SYD(), Depreciation_SLN(), Depreciation_DDB()
- RatesReturn_MIRR(), RatesReturn_IRR()
- PresentValue_NPV()
- Fix Wizard issue with BPSetActiveStageSS() when stages picklist not populating
- Fix issue around labels for German language
v1.0.0.630 (06-Jun-2022)
New Features
- Added capability to have Tables within an xCache record
- Added ability to quick create 10 or 100 rows inside Decision Table
- Enhanced performance tracking on xCache when dealing with Portal requests
- Enhanced xCache to take more than 1 million characters
- Added support for xCache Tables
- Added Rapid Action support for row insertion
- Added Rapid Action support for searching different types of calculations
- Added ability to exclude rows
- Added new freeze capabilities
- Enhanced support for multi-select fields on server-side
- Enhanced support for adding Global Actions with multi-parameters to Decision Table
- Enhanced sheet navigation
- Enhanced support for client-side formulas when no Guid specified for lookups
- Enhanced support for multi-select field updates on the server side
- Enhanced MatchListFindMissing(), MatchListFindIntersect(), MatchListFindIntersectExists() to take new separator parameter
- Added new parameter on xCacheGetGlobalTable() to target specific xCache ranges of records
- Added support for fields of type File on the Portal
New Functions
- xCacheGetGlobalTable(), Interpolation()
- HideProcess(), ShowProcess(), ReflowProcess()
- Fixed bug on Publish Formula command trying to invoke old process
- Fixed bug when adding Assertion data on newly created Test
v1.0.0.624 (17-Jan-2022)
New Features
- Increased debugging capability around Associate processing
- Added extra timing around Decision Sheet
- Added support to allow a Formula Summary fields to record comments
- Added increased performance metrics around individual Decision Tables
- Portal: Added Content Snippet capability for JS deployment
- Portal: Added support to load Quick Tiles independently of page load events
New Functions
- CDate(), CDateExact()
- Fix encoding when using CreateXmlElement()
- Fixed GetVarJSONEC() when no match made
- Fixed issue when missing single quotes on the Global Fetch-Xml sheet
- Fixed issue with curly braces in cells when global calc & global fetch-xml populated
- Fixed issue with Retain Values for xCache
- Fixed bug with multiple onLoad, onSave events when connected across multiple forms
- Fixed bug when onSave event invoved from Save and Close or Save and New
v1.0.0.622 (30-Nov-2021)
New Features
- Allow the ToString() function to take LCID as a parameter
- Add support for accessing 'responseuri' when using CallRestAPI() function
- Portals: Added new display loader
- Portals: Added extra support around validation logic when submitting forms
- Portals: Smarter determination of dirty fields for Create & Edit forms
- Portals: Enhanced SetControlNotification() function
- Portals: Supported the GetFormType() function in Portals
- Portals: Enhanced EnableFields() & DisableFields() function to take '*' as a parameter
- Portals: Enhanced loading of Javascript via Content Snippets
- Portals: Fixed issue with DateTime fields on first fire of onchange event
v1.0.0.618 (25-Apr-2021)
New Features
- Enhanced treeview for GlobalCalculations
- Enhanced Split() function to handle splits by a string of characters.
- Added support for Row 3 in Decision Tables to allow functions when using curly brace constants
- Added support for ClearControlNotification() function in Portals
New Functions
- N\A
- Fixed issue with UpdateCreateRecord() function when passing in '?' for primary key
- Fixed issue with single digits inside curly braces
- Fixed issue with periods inside curly braces
- Fixed issue with the HaversineDistance() function
- Fixed issue with PreCreate event on systemuser entity
- Fixed portal issue when updating datetime fields
- Fixed issue with Validation formulas handling 'NoOp'
- Fixed issue with case sensentivity on RegexIsMatch(), RegexMatch() & RegexReplace()
v1.0.0.616 (29-Jan-2021)
New Features
- Removed all references to 'ClientGlobalContext.js.aspx'
- Added v9 level App module
- Added new wizard for fetch-xml creation
- Added new tree nodes for fetch-xml based Entity Collections
- Added support for brokered properties for Azure Queues
New Functions
- HeaderFooterSectionHideAll(), HeaderFooterSectionShowAll(), HeaderSectionSetBodyVisible(), HeaderSectionSetCommandBarVisible(), HeaderSectionSetTabNavigatorVisible()
- GetPrimaryEntityId(), xCacheLoadLocalEx(), GetCorrelationId(), SetBrokeredProperties()
- Merge()
- Added workaround for Microsoft bug \ design flaw where the GUID of a record gets generated before the save when BPF associated with the record and validation fails
- Fixed Data Packager bug when adding Phone Call entity records
- Fixed Data Packager bug when adding N:N entity records
- Fixed issue with Decision Table when building custom action Input Params being labelled 'north52_command'
Upgrade Notes
Please see the following KB article for further details,
Upgrade to v1.0.0.616
v1.0.0.605 (15-Sep-2020)
New Features
- Added extra performance related information to the trace logs
New Functions
- NavigateToEntityRecord(), QualifyLead()
- Fixed issue when clearing a lookup field on the client-side
- Fixed issue when loading Quick Tiles, Quick Button & RegisterEvents in IE11
- Fixed issue when running a client-side validation formula within the OnStageChange event
- Fixed issue when calling Enable\Disable Quick Button in the UCI interface
v1.0.0.605 (15-Sep-2020)
New Features
- Added extra performance related information to the trace logs
New Functions
- NavigateToEntityRecord(), QualifyLead()
- Fixed issue when clearing a lookup field on the client-side
- Fixed issue when loading Quick Tiles, Quick Button & RegisterEvents in IE11
- Fixed issue when running a client-side validation formula within the OnStageChange event
- Fixed issue when calling Enable\Disable Quick Button in the UCI interface
- Fixed bug when using the pipe character with the FindRecords() function
- Fixed bug with client-side portal formulas firing in the onLoad event
- Fixed bug with client-side portal formulas related to boolean fields
v1.0.0.603 (19-Jun-2020)
New Features
- Added support to supply your own Tracking Token string for SendEmail() function
- Enhanced error messages for client side exceptions
- Allow sort order to be configured on the function SharePointFindDocumentsByFetchXml()
- Allow Scheduler to filter out duplicates from result-set of fetch-xml entitycollection result
- Allow GetOptionSetName() function to work non picklist field datatypes
- Added support for Put calls using query string params in the CallRestApi() function
New Functions
- NavigateToEntityList(),NavigateToWebresource()
- GetPlatformVersion(), GetSolutionVersion()
- Fixed issue with N52 Command entity not showing up
- Fixed issue when calling Actions with related Create, Update or Delete events configured
- Fixed issue when calling Actions whose names are a subset of the Book & Reschedule message names
- Fixed bug using radio button display type for 2 option fields
- Fixed bug when using date fields with a datepicker
- Fixed bug where more the one million characters was trying to be place into the North52 trace entity and raising an exception
- Fixed bug when performing formula validation on Dynamics v8.0
- Fixed issue when using Business Unit name with xCache
- Fixed issue when using ToString() function with special formatting via the Dynamics Portal
v1.0.0.596 (31-Jan-2020)
New Features
- Added direct support for Confirm Message & SubGrid within Quick Button UCI
- Extend Wizard to use compound SetFindAnd()
- Enhanced configuration options when raising exceptions from ExecuteFormula function
New Functions
- xCacheRemoveFields(), xCacheLoadLocalFromJson(), ConvertCollectionToJson()
- GetShortCode()
- Fixed issue with client-side formulas when saving Decision Tables with references to certain Global Option Sets
- Fixed issue on Action formulas where Calculation references not being binded correctly
- Fixed issue when passing entitytype on lookups for client side formulas.
- Fixed issue with SmartFlowExceptionGuard() function on executing n steps
- Fixed issue with client-side formulas connected to the Save & Close button for Quick Create forms on UCI
- Fixed issue when using related entities via FindValueEx() and Post-Lite option for client-side formulas
- Fixed issue regarding middlename field & FindRecordsValue function
- Fixed issue with calculation columns and updating parent fields within Decision Table
- Fixed issue when saving Decision Tables and certain option-set references
- Fixed issue when using SendEmail() function and tracking tokens
- Fixed issue when publishing managed solutions with formulas around web-resources references
v1.0.0.590 (22-Oct-2019)
New Features
- Updated publish process so that SDK Message Processing steps related to Actions are rebuilt if missing
- Updated publish process so that if formula detail is missing its web-resource it is rebuilt
- Update the function CreateJProperty() to be numeric aware
- Enhanced performance of formula save times when performing option-set value validation
- Enhanced fetch-xml validation on Schedules & Formula Detail records
- Increased size of Category & SubCategory fields on formula entity
- Enhanced GetEntityMetadata() function to return option-set data
- Added support for native fetch-xml in Decision Tables
- Added support for Assign & Upsert parent level message events
New Functions
- JArrayParse()
- Fixed issue with client-side formulas when generating dirty data and embedded web-resources
- Applied workaround to Microsoft bug accessing fields in a BPF when stage not active
- Fixed issue with Portal formulas where the wrong culture was being used
- Fixed issue with the FindRecordsFD wizard where list of formula detail records not displaying
- Resolved a Microsoft issue where change of OwnerID field from Assign button had an altered ParentContextMessageName
- Fixed issue when using OnLoad & OnStageChange events together on a form
- Fixed bug with decimal fields and library calculations
- Fixed bug when using the function RecordTotalNested()
- Fixed but around character encoding with the FindRecords() function
- Fixed bug where ExitAllDecisionTables() function not working properly with QuickTiles.
v1.0.0.588 (26-July-2019)
New Features
- Added new formula type called Library Calculation
- Added extra parameter on ThrowError() function to allow for injection of two new lines
- Added new UCI form for Formula entity
- Added short-cut key F2 for instant edit mode on Decision Tables
- Added short-cut key F4 for Toggle Advanced Mode Decision Tables
- Added ability for GetPartyListItemId() to return NoOp for un-resolved activity parties
- Improved load times of formula editor by lazy loading certain API calls
New Functions
- SetFormulaParameters(), ExecuteFormula(),
- ConvertxCacheLocalToEntityCollection(), SetLookupEntityTypes(), CalculateDaylightSavingsDifference()
- GetHour(), GetMinute()
- SetParamsNoEncoding(), ColumnSet(), GetRecordIDEntityReferenceCollection(), SmartFlowExceptionGuard()
- Fixed issue with StringFormat() function when used inside Decision Table
- Fixed issue when using Post option on AddPreFilterLookup() function for client-side formula
- Fixed issue with OnStageChange() event when using UCI
- Fixed issue sync \ async issue when client-side formula connected to OnSave event
- Fixed issue with special characters in field names on related entities
- Fixed issue when finding optionset values on related entities
- Fixed issue when finding optionset values on v9.1.0.5818 or higher
- Fixed issue with deleting contents of cell row 3 in Decision Table when cell row 2 cleared
- Disabled Drag \ Drop fill on Decision Table
- Disabled ability to remove row 1-4 on primary Decision Tables
- Fixed issue setting client side dates
- Fixed issue when saving Decision Tables with Multi-Option set values for Conditions
- Fixed issue on D365 Mobile App where GetCurrentAppUrl() not returning URL
- Fixed issue on UCI where client-side formulas returning NAN for non dirty field option-sets
v1.0.0.580 (17-May-2019)
New Features
- Added support for filter and sort on the xCacheGetLocal() function
- Added support for AutoIncrement on the xCacheAddCalculatedFieldLocal() function
- Added support for changing Status & Tracing Level fields for formulas within Managed Solution
- Enhance caching on N:1 relationship lookups
- Enhance LinkRawUrl() to allow for Apps in the UCI
- Enhance performance on client side formulas when using payload option
- Allow configuration of client-side formulas to use a Get or Post request
- Allow optional timezone parameter on the UtctimeFromLocalTime() function
- Allow LinkRawUrl() function to accept optional 4th parameter of AppId for UCI purposes
- Enhanced SetVarMultipleClientSide() more than one parameter
- Individual solutions provided per product
New Functions
- RefreshRibbon()
- GetAppId(), GetAppName(), GetAppIdByName()
- xCacheDistinct()
- ForEachRecordNested() , CurrentRecordNested()
- Fixed issue with CreateEmailFromTemplate() SetAttributePartyList() function
- Fixed issue with RemoveUsersFromAccessTeam() function
- Fixed issue with SetPickListValues() for multi-select option-sets
- Fixed issue with SetAttributeNative() function
- Fixed issue when building input parameters for the Formula Tester
- Fixed issue with CreateRecord() & UpdateCreateRecord() functions to allow setting fields to null via ?
- Fixed issue when setting Owner field via client-side
- Fixed issue when setting multi-select field via Decision Table
- Fixed issue with FindListValues() function when outputting fields of type Money
v1.0.0.573 (15-Jan-2019)
New Features
- Added support for Data Packager
- Allow to configure specific encoding on CallRestApi() function
- Allow support for fully Dynamic Quick Buttons
- Updated the home configuration \ license page
- Allow PriorValue() function access to formatted values
- Allow regular comments in Decision Tables
- Enhanced error message on missing custom actions
- Allow direct use of multi-select fields in Decision Table
- Allow directly adding comment columns to Decision Tables
- Allow regular comments in Decision Tables
- Allow adding of a comment column in Decision Tables
- In Decision Table allow for Creates only if record does not exist and UpdateCreateById
- Enhance AssociateEntities() function to make a pre-check that record exists before creating M:M relationship
- Support reverse lookup of guids via on PartyList, Customer, & Lookup fields for CreateRecord() \ UpdateRecord()
- Portal: Added support for refreshform() function
- Portal: Updated SetFormNotification to allow users to set a manual timeout
- Portal: Added support for 2 option set value radio buttons
- Portal: Added support for optionsets with multiple values
- Portal: Disabled all Alert reporting -> Error message output to console only
- Portal: Updated createdRequiredFieldValidator to use the display name in the error message instead of the schema name
- Portal: Updated createdRequiredFieldValidator so 'is a required field' now uses the base language same as the Microsoft
New Functions
- xCacheGetDataPackage()
- GetEntityMetadata(), GetVarHeaderValue(),
- MatchListFindMissing(), MatchListFindIntersectExists(), MatchListFindIntersect(),
- UriGetFileName()
- AzureKeyVaultGetSecret(), AzureEventGridSendMessage()
- AzureADGetTokenV2(), AzureADGetToken(),
- AzureServiceBusDeleteMessage(), AzureServiceBusPeekLockMessage(),
- CreateRecordIfNotExistsById() , CreateRecordIfNotExistsByName()
- UpdateCreateRecordById(), UpdateCreateRecordByName()
- GetSystemUrl()
- EscapeDataString(), UnEscapeDataString(), EscapeUriString(), UnEscapeUriString()
- UnixTimeStamp()
- Fixed issue so that UpdateRecord returns the guid of the record updated and not NoOp.
- Fixed isssue with SetPickListValues()
- Fixed bug relating to optionset values not showing under the Source treeview
- Fixed bug in IE11 with the Quick Button for Portal
- Fixed issue MergeEntityCollections where the result EntityCollection had no records
- Fixed issue when missing field adx_websiteid from adx_entityform on older Portals
Upgrade Notes
Please see the following KB article for further details,
v1.0.0.567 (18-Oct-2018)
New Features
- Move from CRM 2011 enpoint to only use CRM Web API for 8.2+
- Allow to filter duplicates when using TimePeriodsFindGroupOverLapPeriods() function
- Allow Multi-select fields & values to show up under the Source node
- Added ability for xCacheLoadLocal to add new fields if exist \ not
- Each time a start schedule clicked auto performs a cancel
- Enhance Scheduler to allow for Auto Restarts on Post Deployment
- Allow settings of Multi-select fields to be loaded via collection via client-side
- Provide capability to overcome pipe character issue
- Enhanced QuickButton \ QuickTile to be completely dynamic
New Functions
- SetAttributeText(), SetFindAndText()
- CreateUIProperty(), CreateUIControl(), CreateUIControlCollection()
- SpecifyKindUTC(), ConvertListToEntityCollection(), AzureServiceBusSendMessage()
- More that 50 records v8.1 and before
- Fixed bug related to filtering multi-select fields
- Fixed bug with QuickButton not working in IE11
- Fixed issue with Scheduler when calculating next rune date time crossing daylight savings time periods
v1.0.0.564 (07-Sept-2018)
New Features
- Full support for binding N52 Formulas to Microsoft Portal Entity Forms
- All validation messages when using managed solutions
- Enhanced support for Standard Form, Long Form & Short Form
- Enhanced error handling around SharePointCreateFile() function
- Enhanced error handling for client-side XML parsing in IE browser
- Enhanced error handling for SetPickListValues() function to allow for MS bug around empty items
- Enhanced xCacheAddCalculatedFieldLocal() function to check if column already exists
- Added snippet for QuickTile
New Functions
- CalcMinRecordCount(), CalcMaxRecordCount()
- GetSharedVariable(), SetSharedVariable()
- CreateNoteTraceLog(), SetDefaultBusinessCalendar, SetLabelControl()
- SharePointRenameFolder()
- Fix issue regarding numbers greater than 2.1 billion when using the Between() function
- Fixed bug related to FindRecordsValue function & multi-select fields
- Fixed bug with CreateHtmlButton() function for On-Premise installs
- Fixed issue with client-side on stage event when not visible
- Fixed issue with client-side lookups on the UCI client
- Fixed issue with client-side data generation on restricted IE environments
v1.0.0.561 (03-July-2018)
New Features
- N\A
New Functions
- N\A
- Fixed depoyment issue with schedules for post processing
v1.0.0.560 (29-June-2018)
New Features
- Add SetVarConcat to Decion Table Context Menu
New Functions
- ToClientSide()
- Fixed save formula issue with System (Active) error message
- Fixed issue with PriorValue() being null on creates
- Fixed basic license issue for 1000 users plus
- Added function ToClientSide()
- Added menu option 'Insert SetVarConcat Calculation'
- Enhanced AddCustomView() so that it reuses ViewIDs
- Fixed issue with ClientSide formulas via RetrieveMultiple message
- Enhanced North52 Publish All process for v9
- Reverted to WebAPI for ClientSide formulas
v1.0.0.558 (11-June-2018)
New Features
- N\A
New Functions
- N\A
- Fixed a Microsoft related bug with v9.0.2.438 (Bug Fix - Release
v1.0.0.557 (31-May-2018)
New Features
- Added support for the Revise event on Quotes & Quote Details
- Added support for the CreateProducts event on Salesorderdetails
- Added support for calling formulas from the Dynamics 365 Portal
- Enhanced logging support when client-side formulas give the URL exceeded error message
New Functions
- MatchAndReplace()
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue with SharePointCreateSite() function due to incorrect Url used
- Fixed encoding issue with the FindCountFD() function
- Fixed issue around context menu and setting Actions
- Fixed deployment issue in v9 only relating to SDK message processing steps
- Fixed sitemap issue when the Field Service solution is deployed
- Fixed issue with SetPickLstValues() function on v9 UCI
- Fixed issue with clone function when using acccount or contact entity when certain fields used
- Fixed issue with setting datetime fields with client-side formulas
- Fixed issue with CallRestApi() function around case sensitivity of the baseurl
- Fixed issue with error message appearing on initial load of formula editor
- Fixed issue with setting fields of type entityimage
- Fixed issue when validating lookups on the client-side when the field was dirty
- Fixed issue on help function search not working to public website
- Fixed issse on v9 only with AddCustomView() function where default view was not being set correctly
- Fixed issue with RandomCollectionOfIntegers when working with non zero based min value
- Fixed issue on v9 only MultiSelect when triggering onChange events
v1.0.0.549 (27-Mar-2018)
New Features
- Enhanced RandomCollection() function to allow fully unique numbers
- Allow EntityCollections & Entity datatypes to be returned from ClientSide
- Allow JSON to be passed in for client-side parameters
- Enable client-side formulas to execute for CRM Portal
- Enhanced Azure integration for Dynamic Azure Functions
- Allow setting of multiple entity types for Party Lists via '#'
- Allowed for a determinisitic order for plugin steps for updates to the Schedule entity
- Full support for new v9 Outlook App as it just came out of preview in March 2018
- Use N52 internal functions to determine dirty fields for client side formulas
New Functions
- N\A
Bug Fixes
- When using AlertClear() if the field is hidden do not make visible
- When using OpenEntityForm() allow for '?' & 'NoOp' to be passed as a parameter value to do nothing
- Fixed DT issue where adding client-side actions did not get added correctly
- Fixed DT issue when adding OptionSet values to the sheet
- Fixed v9 issue when registering SDK message processing steps around steps being added to solution
- Fixed issue with multi-select fields on setting them to null
- Fixed sitemap issue on pre v9 installs
v1.0.0.546 (28-Feb-2018)
New Features
- Enhanced validation around inserting columns to Decision Table
- Enhanced Clone function to take start & end number of records for 1:N relationships
- Enhanced SharePointCreateDocumentLocation function to create top level records
- Enhanced SharePoint functions to give better error message when wrong username \ password entered
- Enhanced Process Genies so that they automatically take parameters from custom actions
- Added support for N:N between Campaign & Marketing List
- Added ability to Exclude columns from a Decision Table
- Added a 'Processing...' overlay on the UI when saving formulas
- Added support for the UOM entity
- Added support for registering formulas against CRM Actions
- Added support to pickup on input & output parameters for CRM Actions within editor
- Added support for the RemoveAttributes function to take a '*' parameter
- Added support to access action parameters from the UI
- Added support for EntityCollection & Entity on Action Input parameters when using ExecuteAction()
- Fixed Chrome issue for stripping \t \r \n from Urls
- Allow for multiple client-side actions within a loop
New Functions
- ReplaceFirstOccurrence() , ReplaceLastOccurrence() , IsInteger() , IsDecimal()
- CountOccurrences() , IsAlpha() , IsAlphaNumeric()
- Sleep(), IsValidIBAN()
- SetActionOutputParameters()
- CreateEC(), AddEntityToEC() , RemoveEntityFromEC()
- CreateEntity(), UpdateEntity(), UpdateEntityNative() , SetAttributeNative(), RemoveAttributeFromEntity() , FindECRecord()
- TrimEnd(), TrimStart()
- CheckAttributeExistsOnEntity()
- CreateMoney (), CreateEntityReference() , CreateOptionSetValue() , CreateRecordWithEntity(), CreateRecordWithEntity()
- FindRecordsValueNative()
- GetSourceChangeList() , SetVarMultipleClientSide()
- CalculateRollupField(), JObjectParse()
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue around Inline Calcs for Decision Tables
- Fixed issue where client-side formulas not executing for the Unified Interface for the OnLoad event
- Fixed error message for xCache references when key not found
- Fixed validation issue so Category name for xCache records cannot contain a '_'
- Fixed deployment issue where AzureTimer caused exceptions
- Fixed bug for formulas of type Calculated Field not displaying correctly
v1.0.0.540 (30-Dec-2017)
New Features
- Decision Tables support for direct updates to related entities
- Decision Tables support for SetEntityTargetRecord() function
- Decision Tables support for native looping
- Added support so that the function SetRequestedExpected() can take a CSV list of possible values
New Functions
- AddUsersToAccessTeam(), RemoveUsersFromAccessTeam() , AddUsersToTeam(), RemoveUsersFromTeam()
- SharePointCreateDocumentationLocation()
- TimeRangeGetRelation(), TimeRangeGetIntersection(), TimeRangeIsSamePeriodCheck(), TimeRangeHasInsideCheck(), TimeRangeOverlapsWithCheck(), TimeRangeIntersectsWithCheck()
- FindValueQuickIdEx(), FindListValuesEx
- TimePeriodsFindGaps(), TimePeriodsFindGroupOverLapPeriods(), TimePeriodsFindGroupIntersectionPeriods(), TimePeriodsFindGroupInsidePeriods(),
- ExecuteLocalJSFunction()
- CreateRecordFromParent() , ReplaceMultiple()
- TimePeriodsFindAfterPeriods(), TimePeriodsFindBeforePeriods(), TimePeriodsFindEnclosingPeriods(), TimePeriodsFindEnclosingEndTouchingPeriods(), TimePeriodsFindEnclosingStartTouchingPeriods(), TimePeriodsFindEndInsidePeriods(), TimePeriodsFindEndTouchingPeriods(), TimePeriodsFindExactMatchPeriods(), TimePeriodsFindInsidePeriods(), TimePeriodsFindInsideEndTouchingPeriods(), TimePeriodsFindInsideStartTouchingPeriods(), TimePeriodsFindStartInsidePeriods(), TimePeriodsFindStartTouchingPeriods(), TimePeriodsFindOverlaps()
- TimePeriodsFindIntersectionDates()
Bug Fixes
- Resolved issue user setting name of Formula on Create
- Resolved issue with FindListValues() where null values were found
- Resolved issue with QuickRibbon related to form types
- Resolved wizard issue on FindRecords function generation
- Resolved issue with Async. formulas when multiple formulas already exist
- Resolved encoding issue on adding Source fields to Decision Table
- Resolved issue in Decision Table so now delete contents of cell in row 2 also deletes contents of row 3
- Resolved issue with SharePointCreateSite function
- Resolved issue with un-install procedure around sitemap & security role
- Resolved issue with fetch-xml generation
- Resolved client side issue with QuickRibbon app and GetFormType
- Resolved issue with AddCustomView function on mobile clients
v1.0.0.536 (23-Oct-2017)
New Features
- Allow support for team & business unit entity
- Decision Table Action Column now supports multiple actions on triple curly brackets
- Enabled support for Asynchronous formulas across all applicable formula types
- Enabled support for executing formulas under the System account to get increased security privileges
- Allow use of custom content-types for the CallRestApi() function
- Added support for Dynamics 365 (version 9.0)
New Functions
- GetFormId(), GetFormClientState(), GetFormFactor(), GetFormType()
- GetDifferenceWorkingTime()
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue around expand\collapse tabs for Mobile clients
- Fixed issue with workflows firing from System User account
- Fixed issue with autonumber
- Fixed issue with plugin registration around secure \ un-secure configuration
- Fixed issue around reading of the North52 Configuration License Accepted field
- Fixed issue with N:N Associate when no related entities supplied
- Fixed issue with SetPartyListCombined on PartyList fields
- Fixed exception issue with post-operation plugin on north52_configuration entity
v1.0.0.530 (27-Jul-2017)
New Features
- Allow Quick Button to call any formula type
- Allow you to control the seed value of the Random function
- Allow failing client-side formulas to just return error message instead of exception
- Add support for Quick Tile App.
New Functions
- BrowserReload, FormSave, SetLabelSection, SetLabelTab.
- QuickButtonEnable, QuickButtonDisable
- AddToQueue, BPSetActiveStageSS, RandomCollectionOfIntegers
- MergeEntityCollections, RecordEntityName
Bug Fixes
- Fixed name issue with function FindValueQuickName
- Fixed issue with GetSourceProperty function when accessing optionset & money fields
- Resolved auto setting of blank in SetPickListValues() function
- Fixed paging issue in the formula editor for the Processes node
- Fixed bug where Scheduler basic license not enforced properly
- Fixed issue with client-side & process genie formulas failing on processing parameters
- Resolved issue with SetEntityTarget function not processing correctly the first parameter
- Fixed issue where sdk message processing steps were being remove in error
- Fixed issue for client-side formula with message '
Upgrade Notes
If you are using the Quick Button solution and upgrading to v1.0.0.530 or later then please also upgrade to the latest of the Quick Button solution using the link below,
v1.0.0.527 (14-Jun-2017)
New Features
- Add support for the entityimage field
- Added support for GenerateSalesOrderFromOpportunity & GenerateInvoiceFromOpportunity platform messages
- Added support to filter erroneous data from formula detail query field
- Removed the auto setting of blank in SetPickListValues() function
- Enhanced WhoAmI() function to return any of context.userid, context.initiatinguserid, businessunitid, organizationid or a raw WhoAmIRequest
- Enhanced CreateJArray & CreateJArrayChildren so they can take plain text as a parameter
- Enhanced Decision Tables Actions to act as Templates
- Enhanced Decision Tables Conditions to take multiple values parameters on String & Memo fields
- Added support to workaround Microsoft bug regarding AddPreFilterLookup
New Functions
- SetEntityTargetRecord, FindValueQuickId, FindValueQuickName, OutputToTrace, GetOptionSetName
- GetCalendarRules, ExpandCalendar
- CreateQuickTile, CreateQuickTileCollection
- ConvertSalesOrderToInvoice, ConvertQuoteToSalesOrder,
- StringConcat, StringJoin, HtmlEncode, EscapeDataString, HtmlDecode, EscapeUriString
- MinOfDates, MaxOfDates, MinOfDatesWithAnchor, MaxOfDatesWithAnchor, FindMatchParameter
Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug relating to firing formula on delete of record and not using the sourcerelationship field correctly
- Fixed paging issue in the formula editor for the xCache node
v1.0.0.523 (19-Apr-2017)
New Features
- Decision Tables - Add ability to pass calculations as a parameter to an Action
- Added new parameter to SharePointCreateFolder() function that if folder exists already it will not try to create folder
- Allowed client-side formula to be attached to a form which is marked customizable = false
- Enhanced error messages around dynamic fetch-xml queries
- Allow SharePointDoesFolderExist function to take a full url on the folder name
- Added control-click event to fetch-xml query attribute node in editor
- Enhance PayLoad Xml to use same field on form multiple times
- Enhancement to allow event trigger PropertyConfigurationStatus to execute
- Added ability to allow for formula templates
- Added support for multiple fields with RemoveAttributes() function
New Functions
- SharePointDeleteFolder()
- HaveFieldsChanged()
Bug Fixes
- Fixed UI issue where the Payload Xml was not refreshing when Source entity changed
- Fixed issue with Federated Active Directory when using SharePoint Online functions
- Fixed issue where you can now access the optionset label when using the PriorValue() function
- Fixed UI issue where form elements not rendering correctly under the Source tab
- Fixed issue with OnSave event for a client-side formula not executing
- Fixed issue where a better error message is now displayed when North52 Publish All workflow is in draft status & user attempts a Publish
- Fixed issue in Decision Table editor where option-set with a single character did not match correctly
v1.0.0.518 (08-Mar-2017)
New Features
- Added a do not show option to the formula guide
- Enabled aliased fields to show in formula detail tree-view
- Enabled control of the payload xml for client-side formulas to include sections or fields
- Added ability to change the North52 security roles due to Microsoft bug with Dynamics-365 upgrades
- Added ability to view response headers in CallRestApi function
- Enhanced performance profile when saving formulas with lots (10+) Source Property fields selected.
New Functions
- AzureCognitiveIssueToken()
- SetColumnNames()
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue where the form names are not appearing in the pick-list for Source Properties for client-side formulas
- Fixed issue with Decision Tables that when saving it throws a System.Format error
v1.0.0.516 (16-Feb-2017)
New Features
- Added support for new Outlook App for Dynamics 365
- Enhanced Clone() function to ignore fields
- Enhanced OpenEntityForm() & OpenQuickCreate to take parameters
- Added support for Quick Button 2
- Use web-api for client-side formulas for 8.2 or higher
- Enhanced Decision Tables so 'Actions' can take parameters
- Enhanced Clone function to handle product bundles
New Functions
- HaveFieldsTriggered(), SharePointDoesFolderExist(), IgnoreFields()
- LinkPlainHyperLink(), SharePointDoesFolderExist
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue with client-side formulas with empty parameters (startindex not found)
- Fixed encoding of German characters and + character
- Fixed default simple object JSON encoding for clientside perform action * command console
- Fixed issue where error message shown on solution deletion
- Fixed issue for daylight savings Schedule calculation
- Fixed issue with xmlserializer for client-side formulas
v1.0.0.514 (20-Jan-2017)
New Features
- Added support for aliased field lookup fields for CreateHTMLTable() function
- SelectForm function checks if form already selected and if so will not re-load
- Added ability to break out of ForEachRecord
- Enhanced ability to execute client-side formulas for Decision Tables
- Added support for PriceList & PriceListItem entities
- Enhanced client-side support for decision tables
- Enhanced Then() function to support multiple actions if Enterprise or above license
- Enhanced Association formula types to allows custom error messages
- Added support for daylight savings calculation for Schedules
- Enhanced Configuration page
- Added support for TLS 1.2 via WebFusion
- Added support for Quick Action
New Functions
- FindProductPropertiesByRegardingID()
- FindProductPropertiesByRegardingIDAndPropertyName()
- FindRecordsAudit()
- GetDepth(), GetMessageName(), GetPrimaryEntityName()
- CreateHTMLButton(), SetQueryString(), OpenQuickCreate(), SelectFormByName()
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue when using related fields on a Decision Table
- Fixed issue with client-side formulas when publishing 'sequence could not be found'
- Fixed issue with caching of sdkmessageprocessingsteps
- Fixed issue with Clone() function where overridden date being retained
- Fixed issue with datetime fields & PriorValue() function not formatting correctly
v1.0.0.506 (15-Sep-2016)
New Features
- Allow direct use of ContainsData & DoesNotContainData in Decision Tables
- Allow use of raw functions in Decision Tables
- Allow use of a list for the SetPickListValues() function
- Added support for North52 Schedule Extended
- Enhanced ContainsData() and DoesNotContainData() to take multiple fields
- Enhanced Between() function to support excludes on just one side
- Added enhanced configuration support for the client-side onsave event
- Added support for compound OR statements
New Functions
ContainsDataAndNotZero(), MultipleDecisionTable(), SetVarConcat()
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue when creating Process Genie formulas throwing a system format error
- Fixed issue where event picklist not showing for autonumber formulas
- Fixed issue on encoding with fetch-xml on FindRecordsFD function passing parameters
- Fixed issue when setting nulls for JSON documents
- Fixed issue on the tablet app where changing screens can throw an error
- Fixed issue where the primary guid not returned for related records
- Fixed issue where SetPickListValues() would not work on certain entities
- Fixed issue with function SharePointFindDocumentsByFetchXml() aroud objecttype conversions
- Fixed issue with setting on nolock on custom fetch-xml queries
- Fixed issue with overloaded buffers for internal tracing
v1.0.0.502 (1-Aug-2016)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue with setting German currency, decimal & float client-side fields
- Fixed issue with Process Genies where the initiaing user was system user when accessing usersettings entity
- Fixed issue with multi-step DoLoop() function where not obeying License editions
- Fixed issue with the Scheduler processes multiple record set(s)
v1.0.0.499 (11-Jul-2016)
New Features
- Updated Formula Editor UI to include a Register & Fetch-XML tab
- Added new Source node for M:M relationships
- Added new Source node for Processes
- Added ability for formula to execute on sharepointdoclocation entity
- Added support to call a clientside function for the stage change event
- Searching functions auto expands on matching nodes
- Under the Source node when you hold down the control key only the name part will insert
- Added ability to select a field in the editor and add it as first parameter when function selected
- Added ability to set a quote status to won, lost, close
New Functions
- CreateEmailFromTemplate(), FindTemplateById()
- BPSetActiveProcess(), BPSetActiveStage(), BPMoveNextStage(), BPMovePreviousStage(), FindBPProcessID(), FindBPGetStageID()
- OpenWindow(), OpenEntityForm()
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue with related records regarding datetime fields
- Fixed issue with # character for client-side formulas
- Fixed issue with setting picklist items in the header
- Fixed issue around validation of dynamic field references in formula description
- Fixed issue where true and false were showing as items in Source Property list box
- Fixed client-side 'Object Expected' error when user exiting before formula completes
- Fixed issue with Decision Table where primaryid of activity entities was not generated correctly
- Fixed issue with searching on source node within IE
v1.0.0.494 (09-May-2016)
New Features
- Added support for Patch on CallRestApi
- Added support for Condition-Or in Decision Table
- Added support for Process Session entity
- Added support for multiple AddPreFilter lookups
- Added support for no aggregation fetch-xml option on FindSum()
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Publish All time-out issue
- Fixed setting default on related entities
- Fixed issue with Delete event
- Fixed issue with FindValue() function around casting with Money
v1.0.0.492 (23-Apr-2016)
New Features
- Added support for CRM 2016 Update 1
- Enhanced SetClientSideField() to process Lookups and Datetime fields
- Added ability to send raw JSON \ XML as either application or text
- Added an enhanced formula syntax checker
- Enhanced formula checker so it ignore comments
- Added ability for BPA to work in a limited Windows Platform FIPS validated cryptographic algorithm environments
- Added ability to remove '::' when using Clone() function
- Reduced the save time when creating client side formulas
- Enhanced logic around Create & Update client side formulas
- Enhanced logging for client-side formulas
- Added ability to update read-only fields for client-side formulas
- Added parameter to the EnableFields() & DisableFields() functions '*' to work with all fields.
- Added ability to perform conditional actions within the MultipleClientSide() function
- Turned off caching for related entities
- Added ability for FindSum() & FindSumFD() functions to not use aggregate fetch-xml
New Functions
- AddPreFilterLookup(), RemovePreFilterLookup()
- SetClientSideFieldAppend (), GetActionOutputParameter ()
- FindRecordsAuditHtml()
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue when assigning formula to a different user
- Fixed client-side issue when using Save & Close
- Fixed issue on tablets for number & datetime fields
- Fixed UI issue in formula editor around extra quotes being displayed in treeview
- Fixed default value issue with FindMaxFD() FindMinFD() for date fields
- Fixed issue with closing an incident record via UpdateRecord() function
- Fixed issue with changing status of record in CRM 2016
- Fixed issue with Case() function for double executions of default action
- Fixed issue with schedule deployment of new start and end times
- Fixed issue regarding new forms rendering engine and client-side formulas
- Fixed issue with Source related entities with multiple references to same entity
- Fixed issue with direct updates to xCache
- Fixed issue when saving formulas and messageid not being found
- Fixed checksum issue with Microsoft patches on Sql Server
Altered Features
- Deprecated the function SetClientSideDate() in favour of SetClientSideField()
- Deprecated the function SetClientSideLookup() in favour of SetClientSideField()
- The formula type 'Save To Children' has been deprecated
v1.0.0.478 (10-Dec-2015)
New Features
- Added support for Decision Tables
- Added support for In-Memory Queries via xCache
- Support for CRM 2016
- Added support for multi-action DoLoops.
- Added support for color coding of formula elements in formula editor
- Added support to search any treeview in the formula editor
- Added walk the tree capability to retrieve related data from the Source entity
- Added lazy loading capabilities for some picklists within the formula editor
- Enhanced client-side support for Tablet clients and error handling
- Client-side support for calling dialogs via BPA SDK
- Added default value parameter for xCacheGet
- Can use SetAttribute instead of SetAttributeLookup if underlying datatype supports only 1 entity
New Functions
- xCacheCalculateLocal(), xCacheAddCalculatedFieldLocal(), xCacheFilterLocal(), xCacheGetLocal(), xCacheLoadLocal()
- SharePointCreateSite(), SharePointUpdateItemMetaData(), SharePointGetItemMetaData()
- GetDayOfWeekName(), GetFirstDayOfWeek(), Between(), IfTrue()
- AddMinutes(), AddSeconds()
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue with CreateHtmlTable() where Quota was being exceeded.
- Fixed issue where Formula Detail records shows an error message when opened.
Upgrade Notes
Altered Features
- When using the CreateRecord() function the second parameter to determine the number of records to create is now optional
- When using the SmartFlow() function the use of SmartFlowReturn() to return a value is now optional as the result of the last step will now do this automatically
- When using a client-side formula to call a Workflow the guid of the record that you want to call the workflow for is required
v1.0.0.471 (08-Sep-2015)
New Features
- Added new wizard generators for a range of functions
- Enhanced support for JSON token processing
- Added support so a Schedule can call a global action
- Speed up deployment process with regards to active \ deactivate North52 plugins
- Support changing statecode \ statecode reason with CreateRecord() function
- Support changing statecode \ statecode reason on the Case entity with UPdateRecord() function
- Add support for Convert Task to Opportunity \ Case
New Functions
- LoopUntilTrue()
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue with FindMin() FindMax() for defaulting date fields
- Fixed issue where AutoNumber formula firing for Update but only Create selected
Altered Features
- When calling an Action (type of Process) from the North52 Scheduler the uniquename of the action must be post fixed to the end of the Action name.
v1.0.0.467 (27-Apr-2015)
New Features
- Support for CRM 2015 Update 1 (i.e. Carina release, 7.1.x.x)
- Sitemap reference now generated in the CRM2013 \ CRM2015 solution
- Allow configuration of the number of formulas\schedules to publish in a single step
- Allow configuration of the North52 Publish All feature
- Added official release date on the North52 Configuration record
- Scheduler now supports only executing during working hours
- Scheduler now supports calculating next re-start for long running jobs
- Deployment solution items now fully support Status field changes
- Deployment solution items now allow edits to managed items
- Added new maintenance option to remove BPA solutiondependencies
- Added new maintenance option to add BPA deployment solution
New Functions
- GetParamFromUrl(), CreateQuoteFromOpportunity(), CreateQuoteFromOpportunity(), CreateSalesOrderFromOpportunity(), CreateInvoiceFromOpportunity()
- SharePointCreateFile(), SharePointCreateFolder(), SharePointDeleteFile(), SharePointFindDocumentsByFetchXml(), SharePointGetFile()
- SendEmail(), Sha1(), SetTwoColumnOrder()
Bug Fixes
- Resolved issue with the SetClientSideLookup() function and the pipe character
- Fixed issue with the paging cookie when caching user settings
- Resolved issue with Disassociate() function to work when both sides of N:N contain same entity
- Resolved issue on MoCa client for client-side formulas which caused an exception
- Resolved paging cookie issue when cahcing UserSettings
- Resolved issue with the pop-up window when executing a Command
- Resolved IE11 issue where pop-up dialogs were never auto-closing
- Resolved IE11 issue where list of form fields never displayed
Upgrade Notes
- For the SetPickListValues() function added ability that the first named value in the list or the empty value will be auto selected.
v1.0.0.462 (27-Jan-2015)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue with the sitemap where it was resetting some of the elements
- Fixed issue where the Dynamic Record URL field used in a workflow would not load for a formula
- Fixed issue with Process Genie where the parameter XML would not accept virtual fields
v1.0.0.460 (16-Jan-2015)
New Features
- Support for xCache
- Support for WebFusion. Call Rest based Web-Services
- Added support to copy attachments from one entity to another
- Added support to allow the formula tester feature to be used from any browser.
- Added support to allow loading of internal caches to use 'no-lock' when performing query operations
New Functions
- LCM(), GCD(), RecordUnShareAll(), CreateJArray(), CreateJArrayChildren(), CreateJObject(), CreateJProperty(), FindJArrayItem(), ThrowError()
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue when calling the AssociateEntities() function for M:M relationship when same entity on both sides
- Fixed issue on the Scheduler where the paging cookie was not being reset
- Fixed issue on the Scheduler where the last run datetime \ next run date could be over written from a new deployment
- Fixed issue that when you move a formula from one deployment solution to another that its child formula details records were not being moved as well
Upgrade Notes
- Existing feature of exporting formulas \ schedules to zip file via Silverlight has been altered to push the zip file to be attached to the North52 Configuration record so a user can download. This allows us to remove the last of our dependencies on Silverlight.
- Change when setting dates via CreateRecord() or UpdateRecord() to now use a UTC datetime rather than local datetime.
More Details:
v1.0.0.454 (07-Dec-2014)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue when updating task activities
- Fixed issue in IE when using popup dialogs for processing. e.g. Start Schedule, Clone Formula, Publish Formula, etc.
v1.0.0.452 (20-Nov-2014)
New Features
- Support for CRM 2015
- Support for HTML5 Formula Editor
- Allow parameter XML to be defined on Process Genie
- Allow Process Genie to execute under a different user
- Allow formulas to execute when form is read-only
- Added support for a default blank on field parameters as #
- Added support to read AliasedValues when using CurrentRecord()
- Added ability to perform multiple actions via ForEachRecord()
- Added ability to stop Scheduler after first record
New Functions
- CDecimalToInt32(), CFloatToInt32(), CNodeToXml(), GetDaysInMonth(), GetFirstDayOfMonth(), GetLastDayOfMonth(), IsLeapYear(), FindValueFD(), FindAvgFD(), FindCountFD(), FindMaxFD(), FindMinFD(), FindSumFD(), FindRecordsValue(), FindEntityCollectionCount(), CreateHtmlTable(), LinkRawUrl(), LinkDialogUrl(), LinkHyperLinkUrl(), MaxOf(), MinOf(), UpdateCreateRecord(), RecordShare(), RecordUnShare(), SmartFlow(), SmartFlowReturn(), CreateNoteIfExists(), DeleteRecordIfExists(), UpdateRecordIfExists(), CreateXmlRootNode(), CreateXmlRootAttribute(), CreateXmlDeclaration(), CreateXmlElement(), CreateXmlAttribute(), CreateXmlChildren(), FindXmlItem(), DeleteRecordsFD()
Deprecated Functions
- Max(), Min(), Sum(), Count(), Avg(), Let(), LetReturn(), FirstRecord(), LastRecord(), FindRecordValue()
More Details:
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue on scheduler when processing schedules of type weekly & quarterly
- Fixed format issue on passing datetime parameters to fetch-xml
- Fixed issue when using Create & UpdateRecord() for setting datetimes in UTC kind
- Fixed bug where only the first 50 solutions displayed in the Deployment Solution pick-list
- Fixed bug where scheduled actions uses the name not the uniquename field
v1.0.0.450 (02-Oct-2014)
- Fixed bug for AutoNumber formulas where the formula executes when a user Assigns the record to another user for these entities Account, Contact, Opportunity, Quote, Order, Invoice. Only occurs in release (
- Fixed issue for AutoNumber formulas on the create of Opportunity records where if the CRM platform sets the 'Pricing Error' field after the initial create (i.e 2 Create Messages fired) the AutoNumber formula will fire a second time. Only occurs in release (
- Fixed issue where if a CRM system was upgraded from CRM 1.2 it can cause the localized label value on an entities attribute to be null and so the Source treeview will fail to display.
- Fixed issue for Client Side formulas on the Opportunity record where formula would not save
- Added support for Cloning Organizations owned records that are children of a parent Cloned entity
- Replaced calls to AssociateEntityRequest with AssociateRequest
Upgrade Notes
Bug Fixes (Additional detail):
v1.0.0.446 (02-Aug-2014)
- Added support to retrieve the Formatted Value for a property
- Added new function GetUserTeams()
- Added support to clone organization owned entities
- Added new functions ExpandTabs() & CollapseTabs()
- Updated client-side formulas so that date fields are always converted to UTC
- Added ability to create client-side formulas for Quick Create Forms
- Added full support for Opportunity Close, Quote Close, Order Close & Case Resolution
- Added new functions SetAttributeAction() & SetAttributeActionLookup()
- Fixed bug with Process Genie when using Primary Entity ID parameter some fields values not being removed from PropertyBag
- Fixed issue with CreateRecord() & UpdateRecord() function for party lists using SetAttributePartyList() function
- Fixed issue where formulas execute even when form is Read-Only
Upgrade Notes
Upgrade Actions:
v1.0.0.443 (15-Jul-2014)
- Fixed issue with setting the default value on the deployment solution field on a formula
v1.0.0.442 (12-Jul-2014)
- Added support to control data sets for client-side formulas
- Fixed issue where client-side formula firing on deactiavted record
- Enhanced CountCharacters() function to be able to count a specific character
- Added support to allow formulas & scheduled to be placed into any unmanged solution
- Added extra information around the license key
- Fixed issue where setting a default value was not working for special field names
- Added support for SetFormNotifications for formulas of type validation
- Extended the BPA navigation to appear under the main solutions areas
- Fixed issue with Ownership Assignment on the Account, Contact & Sales related entities.
- Fixed issue for Clone() function so that the user the initiates the function is assigned record ownership
- Added support for the QualifyLead message
v1.0.0.441 (14-May-2014)
- Fixed issue with Save and Close & Save & New in CRM 2011
- Added support to call ExecuteWorkflow() function from a Process Genie
- Added support to stagger schedule processes
- Added support to GetNextWorkingTime() function to count time between days
- Fixed null reference issue with Association formula type
- Fixed issue when URL parameter to a Process Genie
- Fixed issue with MultipleClientSide() function where calls took a long time
- Added support for CRM 2013 SP1
v1.0.0.437 (18-Feb-2014)
- Fixed issue from CRM 2013, Update Rollup 2 where the getserverurl() function is no longer supported by Microsoft
- Fixed issue from CRM 2013, Update Rollup 1 where the label control of html webresources does not get hidden on hiding the entire control
- Fixed issue from CRM 2011, Update Rollup 16 where Silverlight Webresource controls no longer accept 'No of Rows' to set the height of the control
- Now provide 3 different formula forms High Res., Med Res., Low Res which controls the resolution of the formula editor depending on the resolution of your screen
- Added ability to pass & reuse any field argument in the 'Formula Parameter Xml' field of Process Genie
- Add new function GenerateGuid()
- Added new function client-side function SelectForm() to set the form
v1.0.0.435 (06-Jan-2014)
- Fixed bug in CRM 2013, Update Rollup 1 when using a formula in a workflow or dialog
- Added support for Associate & Disassociate events
- Added new functions StripHtml(), IsUserInSecurityRoles()
- Perform multiple actions within a single formula
- Fixed XML encoding issue when deploying formulas
v1.0.0.432 (02-Dec-2013)
- Fixed bug from CRM 2013, Update Rollup 1 where source & target pick-lists not working
- Resolved issue with running Process Genie in a dialog
- Fixed issue updating the status field with UpdateRecord()
- Add caching option on the FindValue() function
v1.0.0.429 (Nov - 2013)
- Added Process Genie.
- Added support for formulas & schedules within solutions
- This release requires some upgrade steps as outlined in the article below,
Upgrade Notes
Upgrade Actions:
v1.0.0.426 (Oct - 2013)
- Fix to intermittent issue when loading formulas within the formula editor.
v1.0.0.425 (Oct - 2013)
- Compatible with both CRM 2011 & CRM 2013
- Added new functions to support looping, (e.g. ForEachRecord(), DoLoop())
- Added new functions to simplify aggregation of data, (e.g. FindSum(), FindAvg(), FindCount(), etc. )
- Added new web service, (GeoCodeBing(), GetExchangeRate(), Translate())
- Added new string functions, (e.g. Slice, EndsWith, Split, etc.)
- Added new platform functions, to create & remove many to many (M:M) relationships (e.g. AssociateEntities(), DisassociateEntities())
v1.0.0.418 (Jun - 2013)
- Update for Microsoft Security Patch KB2840628 (
- Resolved issue when logging set to Error some Information logs would get created
- Added support for GetPartyListCount() function
- Allows users to add their own custom views to the formula entity
v1.0.0.407 (Apr - 2013)
- Added support for updating owner field for save to children
- Resolved issue with client-side formulas relating to string encoding
- Added support for GetPartyListItemName() function
- Added support for GetPartyListItemType() function
v1.0.0.402 (Mar - 2013)
- Enhanced support for Outlook offline mode in relation to client side formulas
- Fixed issue with setting currency values with CreateRecord() & UpdateRecord()
- Added function GetNextWorkingTime()
- Enhanced ExecuteWorkflow() function so it can run server-side
- Added feature to clean up public saved views after importing solutions
- Fixed issue with bulk-editing of formulas
- Fixed internationalization issue with the Formula Tester
- Added support for entity names containing a '&'
- Deprecated the function CInt()
- Added support for functions CInt32() & CInt64()
- Fixed UI colouring issue between pre & post UR12
- Fixed javascript error in relation to ribbon buttons in CRM-Online
v1.0.0.389 (Jan - 2013)
- Fix floating point datatype issue
- Add support for save to children formula type for different fields
- Fix invalid lookup values for client side
- Fix tab and section name retrieval on a form
v1.0.0.382 (Dec - 2012 - UR12)
- Added support for client side formulae
- Added support for no lock on aggregate operations
- Fix for multiple formulae when using delete event
- Add support for CASE statement
- Add support for GetNextWorkingDay function
- Add support for IsWorkingDay function
- Add support for DiffWorkingDays function
- Add support for Random function
v1.0.0.349 (2012)
- Fix for when an entity is deleted but formulas still exist
- Add support for boolean in the formula calculation entity
- Add support for StartSchedule and StopSchedule functions
- Add support to clone many to many relationships
- Add support for CreateRecord and UpdateRecord functions
- Add support so that when the clone function is called it returns the guid of the new record
- Added UpdateActivityPartyBulk function
- Fix for using TargetId in FormulaDetail for delete event
- Added ability to call the FindValue function from a FormulaDetail record
- Added support to retrieve the logical entity name for any lookup
v1.0.0.331 (2012)
- Add support for not using the AutoNumber function within the AutoNumber formula type
- Fix for GUI display of sub schedules
- Fix for returning proper datatype on FirstRecord() function call
v1.0.0.328 (2012)
- Fix on the PreCheck functionality for a formula
- Added GetDateOnly function
- Added support for delete event
- Added support for export of formulas to a zip file for easy imports to other CRM systems
- Fixed issue with formula validation within the formula editor
- Fixed encoding issue for the FindValue & FindListValues functions
- Added category & sub category fields on the formula entity
- Added scheduler
- Fix for AutoNumber picklist, remove JS for setting event
- Add support for the 'Generate Quote From Opportunity' event
- Added support for extra datatypes within workflow & dialog formula calculations
- Added fix to support large attachments
v1.0.0.294 (2012)
- Added Clone function
- Added SetPartyList function
- Added SetPartyListCombined function
- Added Command pattern
- Added AddHours function
- Fix calculated field in a dialog\workflow
- Added support for the Book & Reschedule events on the appointment
v1.0.0.282 (2012 )
- Performance fix when calling formula from workflows
v1.0.0.281 (Jul - 2012)
- Production Release
v0.9.2.172 (Aug - 2011)
- Second beta release
v0.9.2.168 (Feb - 2011)
- Initial beta release
- See Also