Please provide your ideas for future Business Process Activities product enhancements. The most voted for ideas will become priority items to be implemented into a future product release.

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    FindRecordsAudit functions - allow specific fields to be searched in audit

    Suggested by William Suycott New  0 Comments

    Often we need to inspect specific fields in the audit history and only want those returned instead of sifting through all of the changes in the audit history. This is a massive issue when using the Online version of Dynamics as the audit log is fine for looking at on a singular record, but if you want to see specific attribute changes from old to new on a REPORT type scale you are out of luck using the tools today.

    Having the ability to add specific attributes to the FindRecordsAudit and FindRecordsAuditHtml gives the ability to be more discerning in the scope of results returned (i.e. FindRecordsAudit('entityname', 'recordguid', 'lastnumberofdays', 'numberofedits', 'formattedvalues', Attributes('statecode','probability','estimatedvalue')
    In the above example the audit history would only return for change records from the 3 listed attributes statecode, probability, estimatedvalue. When attributes are set, then parameters such as numberofedits would be numberofedits related to the specific attribute(s) selected - so if the number was '1' the result would return the last audit for the statecode attribute, last audit record for the probability record, last audit for the estimatedvalue - 3 total rows would be returned with the results. lastnumberofdays would be applicable against all 3 attributes - so if only 1 changed in the last XX days then only 1 result is returned. 

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    Be able to differentiate better between the schema name of the entity and the field

    Suggested by Chris Arcand New  0 Comments

    So while this isn't exclusively a North52 error, when you have a field with the same schema name as the entity it causes confusion with the serialization.  It would be nice to be able to use the same in both.

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    Update AzureServiceBusSendMessage formula to optionally specify a MessageId

    Suggested by Patrick Griffith New  0 Comments

    It would be useful to be able to optionally specify a MessageId when creating a new Azure Service Bus message using the AzureServiceBusSendMessage formula. This would help with duplicate detection using queues.


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    Modal Dialogs/Prompts

    Suggested by Ryan Maclean New  2 Comments

    Would it be possible to add JS based dialog/prompts (similar to those used in the Alert.js library ( that could be triggered by client-side formulas

    This would be useful in situations where you want to display an actionable alert to Users and tie custom actions to the responses

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    Enable text based fuzzy matching

    Suggested by Ryan Maclean New  1 Comments

    It would be great if it was possible to expand on the fuzzy matching capabilities already in the system with the Levenshtein Distance function by introducing additional options, such as:
    • Jaccard Index of SImilarity (used by the Excel Fuzzy Lookup add-in -
    • Soundex or Metaphone algorithm
    This would enable advanced duplicate detection capabilities in the system

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    Disable fields on Business Process Flow

    Suggested by Ryan Maclean New  1 Comments

    It would be great if Disabling a field on the form also disabled the field on the Business Process Flow, similar to how it works with Business Rules

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    Encrypt data field

    Suggested by New  0 Comments

    Formula that will encrypt data being saved but allow users to enter data and decrypt when viewing if belong to a certain security or field security role. e.g. credit card/social insurance number, etc.

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    WeekNumber Thursday-Wednesday Reporting Week

    Suggested by New  0 Comments

    Use a Thursday-Wednesday reporting week. Needs to build a week-of function that drops dates based on that week. It looks like the week functions use Sunday as first day right now.

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    GenerateHtmlTable - Enhancement

    Suggested by New  0 Comments

    Add ability to make hyper-links plain text

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    Add support for calling the PowerBI Rest API

    Suggested by New  0 Comments

    Add support for calling the PowerBI Rest API