Please provide your ideas for future Business Process Activities product enhancements. The most voted for ideas will become priority items to be implemented into a future product release.

  • 3

    Loops for JSON JArrays

    Suggested by Pablo Roldan New  0 Comments

    Add functions to be able to iterate through Array collections JSON, currently only available for EntityCollections.

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    Function Count() or Length() for JArrays

    Suggested by Pablo Roldan New  0 Comments

    Please Add function To Count the elements in JArrays.

  • 9

    Processing all selected records with Quick Ribbon on singular formal execution

    Suggested by Anne Hammes New  0 Comments

    It would be helpful to decide on quick ribbon formulars, if you want to execute the formular for each single record selected or to get all guids in an entity collection to process all records in the same formular execution.

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    FindRecordsAudit functions - allow specific fields to be searched in audit

    Suggested by William Suycott New  0 Comments

    Often we need to inspect specific fields in the audit history and only want those returned instead of sifting through all of the changes in the audit history. This is a massive issue when using the Online version of Dynamics as the audit log is fine for looking at on a singular record, but if you want to see specific attribute changes from old to new on a REPORT type scale you are out of luck using the tools today.

    Having the ability to add specific attributes to the FindRecordsAudit and FindRecordsAuditHtml gives the ability to be more discerning in the scope of results returned (i.e. FindRecordsAudit('entityname', 'recordguid', 'lastnumberofdays', 'numberofedits', 'formattedvalues', Attributes('statecode','probability','estimatedvalue')
    In the above example the audit history would only return for change records from the 3 listed attributes statecode, probability, estimatedvalue. When attributes are set, then parameters such as numberofedits would be numberofedits related to the specific attribute(s) selected - so if the number was '1' the result would return the last audit for the statecode attribute, last audit record for the probability record, last audit for the estimatedvalue - 3 total rows would be returned with the results. lastnumberofdays would be applicable against all 3 attributes - so if only 1 changed in the last XX days then only 1 result is returned. 

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    FindCountFD support distinct

    Suggested by Chris Arcand New  0 Comments

    It would be nice in the cases where we need to filter items in the fetch based on child records if the FindCountFD would either keep the distinct in the fetch or have an option to force distinct.

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    Be able to differentiate better between the schema name of the entity and the field

    Suggested by Chris Arcand New  0 Comments

    So while this isn't exclusively a North52 error, when you have a field with the same schema name as the entity it causes confusion with the serialization.  It would be nice to be able to use the same in both.

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    Update AzureServiceBusSendMessage formula to optionally specify a MessageId

    Suggested by Patrick Griffith New  0 Comments

    It would be useful to be able to optionally specify a MessageId when creating a new Azure Service Bus message using the AzureServiceBusSendMessage formula. This would help with duplicate detection using queues.


  • 5

    Refresh List View after pressing Quick Ribbon Button on a List View

    Suggested by Ronald Hoebler New  0 Comments

    It would be nice to have an opportunity to refresh the list view when integrating a Quick Ribbon Button on a list view. Currently we resolved that issue with an own Web Resource calling the N52 Quick Ribbon Web Resource with all the parameters and then refreshing the list view after callback.

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    New Window for Newly Created Records

    Suggested by Elaine Chang New  0 Comments

    It would be helpful if we had the functionality to open a new window when creating new records (similar to the openwindow function) instead of opening in the current window.

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    Quick Button - Dynamic Labels

    Suggested by Ryan Maclean New  2 Comments

    It would be useful if the Quick Buttons allowed for the use of dynamic label text.

    For example, I have a quick button that is used to request action is taken by another user.  When it is clicked then it would be useful if the button text could be changed from "Request Action" to "Action Requested"

    I know we can disable the button, but from a user experience point of view this doesn't necessarily always make sense.