

In this article we will demonstrate the basic steps involved in setting up a North52 Decision Table.

Set up the North52 Formula

  • Navigate to your environment
  • Open the North52 App and select Business Process Activities > Formulas
  • Create a new North52 Formula record, to open the Formula Guide
  • Set Select Entity to be Account
  • Set Select Formula Type to be Save - Perform Action
  • Set Select Editor to be Decision Table
  • Click the Create button

This will open up the Decision Table editor canvas

  • From the Source tab, expand the Source & Target section
  • The Source Entity should be Account
  • Click on Annual Revenue within the Source Property field select it
  • Save the Formula

What are Conditions?

Conditions are prerequisites for Actions.

What does that actually mean? When certain conditions are met, then the action will be triggered. For example, a condition might be that when the Annual Revenue of an account is greater than $1,000,000 then the Credit Limit on that account should be set to $75,000.

To set a Condition you click on the blank yellow field (1) under Condition and then click on the Source (2) tab on the left-hand configuration pane and then click on the field you want to set as your condition. 

In this instance we are going to use Annual Revenue (3)

Annual Revenue will now appear in bold text under Condition.

Now that we have selected Annual Revenue to be our condition, we need to specify what the condition will be.

In cell A4 type >1000000 and in cell A5 type <1000000

This tells the Decision Table that we want to do 'Something' when the Annual Revenue is greater than $1,000,000 and to do something else when it it less than $1,000,000.

What are Actions?  

Actions are the desired outcomes you want. In this example the Action is that we want to set the value of the Credit Limit field on the Account.

To do this, we click on the blank green cell (1) under Action and then click on the Source (2) tab on the configuration pane and then click Credit Limit (3) in the list of source fields.

Credit Limit should now appear in the Action green cell (B2).

For example, if the Annual Revenue is greater than $1,000,000 then the Credit Limit should be set to $75,000.

However, if the Annual Revenue is less than $1,000,000 then the Credit Limit should be set to $25,000.

Type 75000 in cell B4 and 25000 into cell B5.

Finally save the Formula and you have finished setting up your first Decision Table.

Testing the Decision Table

Open an Account record and set the Annual Revenue field to $500,000.

When you save the account record, the Decision Table will execute and update the Credit Limit field to $25,000.

Finally, change the Annual Revenue to $1,500,000, click Save and the Credit Limit will update to $75,000.