

If you find that you have duplicate North52 related records (e.g. North52 Formula Calculation - XXX web page) in your website on a higher environment (e.g. Test/Staging/Production), this guide will help you resolve the issue.

Steps to Remove Duplicates

Perform the following steps to remove the duplicates:

  1. As an Administrator, navigate to target environment site
  2. Open the North52 model-driven application
  3. On the application Start page, click the North52 Configuration button to open the North52 Configuration record
  4. In the N52 Configuration form, navigate to the System Settings tab and set the following field value:
    1. Command: Portal Uninstall
    2. Command Parameter: <Portal Website Name>|<Portal Language Used>
  5. Click Save 
  6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for a second time
  7. Verify that all North52 related website records are removed
  8. Re-install your website via pipeline or solution import