If you find that you have duplicate North52 related records (e.g. North52 Formula Calculation - XXX web page) in your website on a higher environment (e.g. Test/Staging/Production), this guide will help you resolve the issue.
Steps to Remove Duplicates
Perform the following steps to remove the duplicates:
- As an Administrator, navigate to target environment site
- Open the North52 model-driven application
- On the application Start page, click the North52 Configuration button to open the North52 Configuration record
- In the N52 Configuration form, navigate to the System Settings tab and set the following field value:
- Command: Portal Uninstall
- Command Parameter: <Portal Website Name>|<Portal Language Used>
- Click Save
- Repeat steps 4 and 5 for a second time
- Verify that all North52 related website records are removed
- Re-install your website via pipeline or solution import