

Converts a string to a Datetime field with the Kind set to UTC. Also allows you to specify a format for the input string.



CDateExact('inputstring','format', 'lcid')


Example 1

Converts the string to a date with the specified format being associated to the input string.

CDate('2012 09 24 05:47', 'YYYY-MM-dd hh:mm:ss')

Example 2

Converts the string to a date with the specified format being associated to the input string and using an LCID of 1033 (United States - English)

CDate('2012 09 24 05:47', 'YYYY-MM-dd hh:mm:ss', 1033)


Name Type Description Required
entitylogicalname xxxx xxxx xxxx
inputfieldname xxxx xxxx xxxx
inputfieldvalue xxxx xxxx xxxx
selectfields xxxx xxxx xxxx
recordcount xxxx xxxx xxxx
nolock xxxx xxxx xxxx