

All browsers have a URL limit of about 2050 characters for their length which is being exceeded within a client-side formula when you receive this error message. Client-side formulas make a REST API call to perform their calculation/action so this means we need to pass any changed data values on the form as part of the REST API call. So this error message can occur when:

  1. When you have a large description field (2000 characters+) where the user enters in lots of data and then when the Formula triggers the data in this field exceeds the URL length limit.
  2. When you create one CRM record from another and a significant number of fields (around 40+) have default values so that the combined total exceeds the URL length limit.

In order to work around this limit you need to identify the client-side Formula causing the issue. We then need to limit the amount of data (fields) that we send to that Formula. We do this by identifying a TAB on the form which contains all the fields that the Formula references and only send this data in the URL when the Formula executes.  Hence we are able to reduce the amount of data being sent by leaving out for example a big description field.

Steps to resolve issue:

  • Open the relevant Entity Form 
  • Determine which Tab/Section contains the Fields that the Formula references
  • You may need to re-group the Fields into a single Tab/Section
  • Open the Client-Side Formula
  • Open the Register tab and expand the Advanced Settings
  • Scroll down the form until you see the pick-list ClientSide PayLoad Tab
  • Choose the Tab/Section or Field here which you identified earlier
  • Click Save
  • Select N52 Commands > Publish Formula
  • You are ready to test

Location of the ClientSide Data Payload Picklist

Note: If a big description field is in the same TAB as other fields that the Formula references you will need to split these out into separate tabs or sections. If you are still experiencing this error message then please contact to receive additional help.