

The Source tab allows users to reference fields (attributes) on a record and fields on records related to the primary record. 

It also allows users to reference environmental values such as ProcessesxCache records, Global Calculations, Global Actions and Decision Table Calculations.

The Source tab can be used in conjunction with Classic or Decision Tables, in this article we will focus on its use in Decision Tables

For this article it is assumed that you have at least basic familiarity with Decision Tables and/or have read the following articles:

Note: We will not detail step-by-step instructions here on how to set up Conditions or Actions, please read the above articles if you need detailed configuration steps.

The following parts of the Source tab are explained below:


The Source tree shows all the fields on an record. Clicking a field will place a reference to the field in the selected cell of the Decision Table:

Right-click and select Operations > Toggle Advanced Mode to reveal Row 3 as shown below:

If the field's logical name is needed instead, Ctrl-click the field name in the tree to place the field's logical name into the cell:

Option Set Field: Name and Value

Option Set fields can have different iterations depending on their type: Value and Name 
  • The Value iteration references the value stored in the database (e.g. a number for an option set item, a GUID for a lookup). It is the iteration used when updating an record or when interacting with the system
  • The Name iteration references the user friendly equivalent of value displayed to the end user


Contact record with the Bill To option selected for the option set field Address 1: Address Type:

Selecting Address 1: Address Type {Name} will reference the string Bill To 

However selecting Address 1: Address Type {Value} will reference the Bill To's value which is 1

Note: Most times you will want to reference the Option set Value - it is this value that needs to be updated/referenced when interacting with records. 

Lookup Field: Name, Value or Type

Lookup fields can have different iterations depending on their type: Value, Name and Type
  • The Value iteration references the value stored in the database (e.g. a number for an option set item, a GUID for a lookup). It is the iteration used when updating an record or when interacting with the system
  • The Name iteration references the user friendly equivalent of value displayed to the end user
  • The Type iteration references the entity type, e.g. contact, account, lead, etc


The Primary Contact field on the Account entity:

Selecting Primary Contact {Name} will reference Cathan Cooke

Selecting Primary Contact {Value} will reference the GUID of the Contact Cathan Cooke:

Selecting the Primary Contact {Type} will reference the entity type of the contact being referred to - in this case it will return contact:

Note: Most times you will want to reference the lookup Value - it is this value that needs to be updated/referenced when interacting with records. 

Related (N:1)

The Related (N:1) tree shows the N:1 related entities of the record. From this tree a you can access the related entities fields via the Attributes branch: 

You can also access the related entities' related entities. In the screenshot below, the grandparent Account's name is referenced: 

This can continue as far down the relationship hierarchy as you need to go.

Related (N:N)

The Related (N:N) tree provides access to the name of the N:N relationships:


The Forms tree provides access to the logical names of the source entity's forms and their Section/Tabs/Fields:


The Process tree provides access to the names of the active Processes in the instance:


The xCache tree provides access to the active xCache records that are stored in the instance: 

For more information on xCache records, please see the xCache training course.

Global Calculations

The Global Calculation node provides access to the Global Calculations that have been created and stored in the Global Calculation sheet for this Decision Table Formula. 

Referencing the Global Calculation in a Decision Table sheet:

Note: To create or edit a Global Calculation, right-click and select Operations > Toggle Advanced Mode and the Global Calculation sheet will be shown (you can also press F4).

For more information on Global Calculations, please review the Global Calculations 'how to' knowledge base article.

Global Actions

The Global Actions node provides access to the Global Actions that have been created and stored in the Global Actions sheet for this Decision Table Formula.

Referencing the Global Action in a Decision Table sheet:

Note: To create or edit Global Actions, right-click and select Operations > Toggle Advanced Mode, and the Global Actions sheet will be shown (you can also press F4).

For more information on Global Actions, please review the Global Actions 'how to' knowledge base article.

Decision Table Calculations

The Decision Table Calculation node provides access to the calculations that have been created inline on a Decision Table sheet (Inline Calculation, Table Calculation, Increment Calculation, Decrement Calculation or SetVarConcat Calculation):

Also, whenever an Inline Calculation, Table Calculation, Increment Calculation, Decrement Calculation or SetVarConcat Calculation is set, it will appear here for referencing