
Dynamics 365 Release -

Starting from around the weekend of Saturday 10th June 2019 Microsoft started pushing out the silent release This contains a bug in the Microsoft Web API. When retrieving metadata about an entity, such as using the call below, Microsoft used to return a field called '@odata.type' which contained the long name of the data type for each attribute.'account')?$expand=Attributes,OneToManyRelationships,ManyToOneRelationships,ManyToManyRelationships

For example '#Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.PicklistAttributeMetadata' for attributes of type OptionSet. We then used this to make the API call below to retrieve detailed option-set information such as the label and integer values associated with this option-set field.'account'/Attributes/LogicalName='customertypecode')/

Because of the breaking change in the first API call you will now receive the error message below when saving Decision Tables with OptionSets referenced within them

To resolve this you will need to install a North52 version of or higher.

Comments (2)
  • Where can I download a North52 version of or higher, in order to fix this issue?

    I need this urgently to update the version I have just installed today but which is broken as per your KBA KA-10097
  • This is now resolved - thanks

    I installed the latest version