Creates a record if the record doesn't already exist. Searches for the record using its primary name.
Enter the schema name of the entity and then the primary name of the record that you want to update. If a record with that name exists, nothing will happen (i.e. NoOp returned).
If no record with that name exists, the record will be created. Following the primaryname parameter enter the attributes you want to set.
CreateRecordIfNotExistsByName('entityname', 'primaryname', SetAttribute('attributename', 'attributevalue' ))
CreateRecordIfNotExistsByName('contact', 'Bill Gates', SetAttribute('creditlimit', '5000'), SetAttribute('description', 'North52'), SetAttributeCustomer('parentcustomerid', 'account', '450dd379c-ee2f-11db-8314-0800200c777', 'Microsoft'), SetAttributeLookup('preferredsystemuserid', 'systemuser', '670dd379c-ee2f-11db-8314-0800200c888'))
Note 1: Fields of type lookup need SetAttributeLookup('fieldname', 'entityname', 'recordguid')
Note 2: Fields of type PartyList need SetAttributePartyList('fieldname', 'entityname', 'partyguid' , 'partyguid')
Name | Type | Description | Required |
fromdate | xxxx | xxxx | xxxx |
todate | xxxx | xxxx | xxxx |
interval | xxxx | xxxx | xxxx |