Creates an in-memory entity.
This allows you to build up complicated entities in memory with which you can then use the function CreateRecordFromEntity('entity') to physically create the record in the database and receive the GUID of the new record.
CreateEntity('entityname', SetAttribute('attributename', 'attributevalue') )
Note 1: Fields of type lookup need SetAttributeLookup('fieldname', 'entityname', 'recordguid')
Note 2: Fields of type PartyList need SetAttributePartyList('fieldname', 'entityname', 'partyguid' , 'partyguid')"
CreateEntity( 'contact', SetAttribute('firstname', 'Bill'), SetAttribute('lastname', 'gates'), SetAttribute('creditlimit', '5000'), SetAttribute('description', '?'), SetAttributeLookup('preferredsystemuserid', 'systemuser', '670dd379c-ee2f-11db-8314-0800200c888') )
Name | Type | Description | Required |
inputstring | xxxx | xxxx | xxxx |
stringtobereplaced | xxxx | xxxx | xxxx |
replacementstring | xxxx | xxxx | xxxx |