
Scenario Overview

In your business, you may wish to show/hide certain parts of a form on command. 

In this scenario, we are required to hide the Company Profile and the Marketing field whenever a Quick Button is pushed. 

Note: you will need to create Account - Employee Info form before beginning this example. 

North52 Decision Suite Solution

The North52 Decision Suite solution works like this:

  • A formula of type ClientSide - Calculation will be created that will enact the bulk of the workload
  • The formula is triggered whenever the Quick Button is clicked
  • The formula checks to see if the Form is called Account - Employee Info
  • If it is, the formula will hide the Sections Marketing and Contact Preferences under the Details tab

Note: If you wish to hide other Sections, using the Wizard (shown below) will quickly find the exact name you need.

North52 Decision Suite Steps  

The following set of steps outline how to create this Formula:

  • Create a new formula of type 'ClientSide - Calculation'
  • Set the Mode to 'ClientSide'
  • Set the Source Entity to 'Account'
  • Go to the Formula editor
  • Copy and paste the formula below
  • Click Save



iftrue (FindValueQuickName('systemform', GetFormId() ) = 'Account - Employee Info' , 


Wizard - HideSections

Please see below the wizard you can use to create the HideSections() function call used in this formula. 

Note you will need to create the form Account - Employee Info beforehand. 

Did you know?

xCache helps you manage environment specific configuration

North52's Decision Suite component xCache allows you to set up environment specific data to allow you to use different values for different instances. Your advanced business rules logic could be the same, however you need to use specific reference values for a particular instance.

For example, credentials for a web service used in your Formula - you will likely use different keys/URLs for your Dev, Test and Production instances. Store these in xCache and let the North52 business rules engine apply the correct ones at runtime! 

Learn more and see examples of xCache