Updates a record within the system.
You enter the name of the entity and then the record guid that you want to update. And after this a list of all the attributes you want to set.
UpdateRecord('entityname', 'primarykeyid', SetAttribute('attributename', 'attributevalue' ))
UpdateRecord('contact', [account.primaryaccountid], SetAttribute('firstname', 'Bill'), SetAttribute('lastname', 'gates'), SetAttribute('creditlimit', '5000'), SetAttribute('description', '?'), SetAttribute('parentcustomerid', 'account', '450dd379c-ee2f-11db-8314-0800200c777', 'Microsoft'), SetAttributeLookup('preferredsystemuserid', 'systemuser', '670dd379c-ee2f-11db-8314-0800200c888'))
Note 1: Fields of type lookup need SetAttributeLookup('fieldname', 'entityname', 'recordguid')
Note 2: Fields of type PartyList need SetAttributePartyList('fieldname', 'entityname', 'partyguid' , 'partyguid')
Name | Type | Description | Required |
entityname | xxxx | xxxx | xxxx |
primarykeyid | xxxx | xxxx | xxxx |
SetAttribute | xxxx | xxxx | xxxx |