Generate an EntityCollection of the Audit Trail for a particular record. First example finds all audit records for last 7 days for a particular account. Second example finds the last edit record operation with no formatting.
Field names of the entity collection: 'Changed By', 'Date', 'Action', 'Attribute', 'Old Value', 'New Value'
FindRecordsAudit( 'entityname', 'recordguid', 'lastnumberofdays', 'numberofedits', 'formattedvalues' )
Example 1
FindRecordsAudit('account', '10124ac3-0f6f-40dd-be64-d8c0bc5dbfbd', 7)
Example 2
FindRecordsAudit( 'account', '10124ac3-0f6f-40dd-be64-d8c0bc5dbfbd', -1, 1, false )
Name | Type | Description | Required |
entityname | xxxx | xxxx | xxxx |
recordguid | xxxx | xxxx | xxxx |
lastnumberofdays | xxxx | xxxx | xxxx |
numberofedits | xxxx | xxxx | xxxx |
formattedvalues | xxxx | xxxx | xxxx |