
Scenario Overview

In some situations you may need to need to quickly save a field that has been filled in by a user even before that user finishes filling out all the other fields. North52 allows you to saved the details as soon as a condition is met.

The requirement here is that if the field Shipping Method is set to FedEx then the system has to force a save because the business has special rates with FedEx. 

Quickly saving the form will allow for other formulas or plugins to be triggered.    

North52 Decision Suite Solution

The North52 Decision Suite solution works like this:

  • A formula will listen to the Shipping Method field on the Account entity
  • If the value of Shipping Method equals FedEx, the formula will save the Form using the FormSave function 

North52 Decision Suite Steps

The following set of steps outline how to create this Formula:

  • Create a new formula of type 'ClientSide - Perform Action'
  • Set the Mode to 'Client Side'
  • Set the Event to 'Update'
  • Set the Source Entity to 'Account'
  • Set the Source Property to 'Address 1 : Shipping Method'
  • Go to the Formula editor
  • Copy and paste the formula below
  • Click Save
  • It is now ready for testing

Note :  that "3" is the Option Set value assigned to FedEx by default


iftrue([account.address1_shippingmethodcode]= 3, 

Wizard - FormSave

Please see below the wizard you can use to create the FormSave() function call used in this formula. 

Did you know?

xCache helps you manage environment specific configuration

North52's Decision Suite component xCache allows you to set up environment specific data to allow you to use different values for different instances. Your advanced business rules logic could be the same, however you need to use specific reference values for a particular instance.

For example, credentials for a web service used in your Formula - you will likely use different keys/URLs for your Dev, Test and Production instances. Store these in xCache and let the North52 business rules engine apply the correct ones at runtime! 

Learn more and see examples of xCache