
Scenario Overview

In this scenario, the business requirement was to be able to add a Lead to a specific Marketing List as part of a workflow.

North52 Decision Suite Solution

The North52 Decision Suite solution works like this,

  • We create a formula of type Process Genie on the Lead entity
  • The formula will be called from a step within a workflow
  • It will then associate the lead to the defined Marketing List


North52 Decision Suite Steps

The following set of steps will set this formula up for you.

  • Create a new formula of type Process Genie
  • Set the Source Entity to 'Lead'
  • Copy and paste the formula below into the formula canvas, or follow the detailed steps below. Replace 'Hot Leads' with the name of your Marketing List.
  • Save the formula
  • Copy the formula Short Code
  • Add a Process Genie step to your Workflow, Dialog or Action
  • Paste the formula Short Code into the Formula ShortCode Value field in the Custom Step Input Properties form
  • Activate and test your process

Formula : Classic

  FindValue('list','listname','Hot Leads','listid','?','true'),                                                              

Detailed Steps for creating the formula

1. From the Functions tab search for the AssociateEntities function, then Shift-Click the function name to bring up the wizard:


2. Add xxx as a placeholder for the Record ID Left as we need to use another function to retrieve the Marketing List ID

3. Click Generate


4. Remove the ‘xxx’ placeholder text including the quotes and leave the cursor in this position. 

5. From the Functions tab search for the FindValue function and Shift-Click to the bring up the wizard form:


6. Click Generate. The function should be inserted where the ‘xxx’ placeholder was previously:


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