Scenario Overview
In this business scenario the requirement is to generate an Auto-Number on the Account entity. The specific requirement is that the first 3 characters of the account name is used as a prefix and that when generating the AutoNumber we need to count the number of existing prefix records & increment by one.
Below is an example of what we require,
Account Names
Microsoft - Ireland
Microsoft - UK
Microsoft - USA
Microsoft - Canada
Account Numbers
As always whenever we are using the North52 Auto-Number formula type we are guaranteed consistency when generating Auto-Numbers so no duplicates will be created even with multiple application servers for any of CRM Online, OnPremise or Partner Hosted.
It is assumed that the 'Account Number' field is read-only, accounts are never deleted (only deactivated) & users cannot change the field.
North52 Decision Suite Solution
The North52 Decision Suite solution works like this,
- Execute on the create of Accounts within the system
- Have a formula that generates the auto number requirements
- This formula executes a fetch-xml query passing in the prefix to get the existing count & adds one
- Have the formula place the result of the formula into the Account Number field of the Account entity
North52 Decision Suite Steps

Formula Steps
- Create a new formula of type 'AutoNumber'
- Set the Source & Target entities to 'Account'
- Set the Source & Target Property fields to 'Account Number'
- Copy & paste the formula description below into the formula description field & click save
Formula Detail Steps
- Scroll half way down the formula & click to add a new formula detail record (i.e. add the fetch-xml query)
- Set the Name to 'GetCurrentAutoValue'
- Copy & paste the fetchxml below into the query field & click save
- You are now ready to test
Upper(Left([] ,3)) + '-' + PadLeft(FindCountFD('GetCurrentAutoValue', 'accountnumber', '0', true, SetParams( Upper(Left([] ,3)) + '%' )) +1, 4,'0')
Fetch-Xml Description
<fetch version="1.0" output-format="xml-platform" mapping="logical" distinct="false">
<entity name="account">
<attribute name="accountid" />
<attribute name="accountnumber" />
<filter type="and">
<condition attribute="accountnumber" operator="like" value="{0}" />