
Scenario Overview

This business requirement sees a custom field on the  Lead entity called 'Last Note Entered' which is a datetime field. This field is to be populated with the current datetime whenever a new note is created or updated on the Lead entity.

North52 Decision Suite Solution

The North52 Decision Suite solution works like this,

  • We create a formula of type 'Save - To Parent' for the Note entity
  • This formula will be executed whenever a Note record is created or updated
  • It will check if the related object is of type 'Lead'
  • And if true will place the current datetime into the 'Last Note Entered' field on the Lead record.

North52 Decision Suite Steps

  • Create a new formula of type 'Save - To Parent'
  • Set the Mode to 'Server Side'
  • Set the Event to 'Create & Update' 
  • Set the Source Entity field to 'Note'
  • Set the Relationship field to 'objectid (lead)'  
  • Set the Target Property to 'Last Note Entered'
  • Copy & paste the formula below into the formula description field & click save
  • You are ready to test


if([annotation.objectidtype] = 'lead', UtcDateTime(), 'NoOp')

Did you know?

North52's Data Packager helps move Portal configuration data between instances

North52 Data Packager can be used to easily manage the transport of portal data from one instance to another. Specifically for Dynamics/PowerApps Portals, we provide templates that let you quickly move all portal entity data with ease. You can move whole sites or only the records you specify, either manually or via FetchXML queries.

And, because we use the Solution framework for the export and import of Data Packager data, you can easily version each data package. This is especially useful if you need to build up a new dev/test portal to a specific version – just apply and execute the Data Packages you need.

Learn more about the North52 Data Packager