Please provide your ideas for future Business Process Activities product enhancements. The most voted for ideas will become priority items to be implemented into a future product release.

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    Add new function FindRecordsAudit

    Suggested by Completed  0 Comments

    The function FindRecordsAuditHtml() returns a HTML table of the audit data. But it would be useful to have another function to return it as an EntityCollection so end users could manipulate the data as they see fit

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    Add support for OAuth1.0a

    Suggested by Completed  0 Comments

    Add support for OAuth1.0a

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    Function that references Form Type

    Suggested by Completed  0 Comments

    It would be helpful to have a function that works similar to the getFormType method available in the SDK. Although N52 offers some control over this via the Event, the ability to perform checks on form type would be useful and provide greater efficiency. For example: customer requirement is to have certain fields enabled/disabled, tabs expanded/collapsed client-side based on whether the record is being created or updated. Currently, this would require two separate formulas (one for Create event and one for Update event), whereas including all code into a single formula with checks on a form type function would be more ideal.

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    Clone Formula

    Suggested by Completed  0 Comments

    When a formula is cloned, the cloned formula begins with ::CLONE::. However, the formula detail records have the same name as the formula detail records in the original record, which leads to confusion. it would be nice if the formula detail records could also be appended with a ::CLONE::

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    Bulk actions and show the information on a tooltip

    Suggested by Completed  0 Comments

    It could be great to be able to see the content of the tickets on a tooltip placing the mouse on the subject and to be able to use bulk actions.

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    Run Schedule as a different user

    Suggested by Under Review  2 Comments

    When a Schedule is trigger, the same user who click the "Start" button will be the owner of the background workflow. It will be useful to have the ability to choose which user should be the owner of the background workflow. For instance, the schedule failed and 1st line support needs to restart the schedule. But the workflow should be running as a system user and 1st line support doesn't know these credentials.

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    Allow DisableFields(*) to disable all fields

    Suggested by Completed  0 Comments

    Allow DisableFields(*) to disable all fields

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    Add ability to lookup optionset value given the label

    Suggested by Completed  0 Comments

    Add ability to lookup optionset value given the label

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    Check user permissions

    Suggested by Completed  0 Comments

    Would be nice to have the ability to check a user's specific permission (ex: if they have Read level access on a particular entity). An example would be if you have a formula on Account that finds the sum of all Invoices and displays the total as a form notification on Account. If a user has access to Accounts and not Invoices, this would cause an error. Rather than hard-code the security roles into the formula using IsUserInSecurityRoles, we could check if the user first has Read permissions on Invoices, and if so, execute the formula.

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    Add function to create SharePoint subsite

    Suggested by Completed  0 Comments

    Add function to create SharePoint subsite