

This article will detail the primary methods of passing data from a North52 formula into a Fetch-XML query. These features will allow you to write and customize your Fetch queries for optimal performance and flexibility.

Fetch-XML functions in North52 are recognizable because they end in FD.

A few examples are:

  • FindRecordsFD
  • FindAvgFD
  • FindCountFD
  • FindValueFD

*Note: there is 1 exception, FindRecordsFetchXML which is different from FindRecordsFD

Source Entity values


You can read an example at the below link of how to pass a source entity field into a Fetch-XML query.

Using the '@fieldname@' syntax you can pass any field that exists on the source entity into the Fetch-XML query to make the query dynamic at runtime.

Using the SetParams() Function

SetParams() allows you to inject dynamic values returned from other North52 formula into a Fetch-XML query.
In the below example, a URL is passed from a Dialog into a formula. Then GetParamsFromUrl() function is used to extract the GUID from the URL which is then passed into the Fetch-XML query.

When using this method you must put {0} placeholders into the Fetch-XML query so SetParams() knows where to inject the values. Use {0} for the first parameter, {1} for the second, and so on.
You can pass multiple values into the Fetch-XML query using this method as demonstrated in the sample below:

Please note that SetParams will presume all {} inside the Fetch XML is its business. When SetParams is been used, you cannot use {} inside the Fetch XML except as parameters

Using the AppendFormat() Function

AppendFormat('<condition attribute="name" operator="eq" value="{0}" />', 'Decision Maker,Champion')   

This nifty little function will allow you to create Fetch-XML fragments and then inject them into your query to create true dynamic Fetch-XML.
The AppendFormat function takes 2 parameters, a base string and a second string of comma, separated values.  

The link below shows an example where the list of required stakeholders is stored in an xCache record. The Fetch-XML fragment is also stored in a separate xCache record.
 In this example it will create the following :

  <condition attribute="name" operator="eq" value="Decision Maker">
  <condition attribute="name" operator="eq" value="Champion"> 

These will then be injected into the Fetch-XML query replacing the {0} here.

<fetch count="50" distinct='true' >
  <entity name="connectionrole" >
    <filter type="or" >
    <link-entity name="connection" from="record2roleid" to="connectionroleid" >
      <link-entity name="opportunity" from="opportunityid" to="record1id" >
        <filter type="and" >
          <condition attribute="opportunityid" operator="eq" value="@opportunityid@" />