Scenario Overview
In this scenario we have a fictitious Insurance company that rents out vehicles. The rental agreement between the Insurance company & the customer is represented by a Contract. And the Contract is made up of many (1:N) Rental Payments which are paid on a monthly basis.
The business need here is to calculate the settlement amount when a contract is terminated early via an Early Termination Quote. The screenshot below shows where we have added two new sub-grids to the out of the box contract entity which represent,
- The Rental Payments associated to this contract
- Any Early Termination Quotes associated to this contract
Business Rules
On the contract record an Early Termination Quote record can be added via the sub-grid. The user will enter in a 'Last Rental Payment Date' on this record & click save. During the save process the settlement amount must be calculated based on certain rules,
IF 4 or more Rental Payments are due after the Last Rental Payment Date THEN
Find Max of either,
(-) 40% of Sum of Rental Payment Amounts after the Last Rental Payment Date +
Early Termination Admin Fee
(-) 4 times the Rental Payment Amount + Early Termination Fee
Sum of Rental Payment Amounts after the Last Rental Payment Date + Early Termination Admin Fee
* We assume all rental payment for a contract are the same value per month
Data Model
North52 Decision Suite Solution
The North52 Decision Suite solution works like this,
- A formula of type 'Save To Current Record' is created that will execute whenever a new Early Termination Quote is created
- The SmartFlow result will be placed into the Settlement Amount field on the Early Termination Quote record
- Next Calculate the Count of Remaining Months
- Next Calculate the Sum of the Remaining Amount
- Next Calculate four times the standard payment
- Next Calculate the Admin Fee
- It then checks if the remaining months are greater than 4
- If yes then it calculates the greater value of
- 40% of the RemainingAmount + Admin Fee OR Four Times the standard payment + Admin Fee
- Otherwise it rteurns the Remaining Amount + the Admin Fee
North52 Decision Suite Steps
The following set of steps outline how to create this Formula
- Create a new formula of type 'Save To Current Record'
- Set the Source Entity to 'Early Termination Quote'
- Set the Event field to 'Create'
- Copy & paste the formula below into the formula
- Click save & test
SetVar('CountRemainingMonths', FindCountFD('RemainingRentalMonths', 'new_rentalpaymentid', '0' )),
SetVar('SumRemainingAmount', FindSumFD('RemainingRentalMonths', 'new_amount', '0' )),
SetVar('FourTimesPayment', 4 * FindValue('new_rentalpayment', 'new_contractid',
[new_earlyterminationquote.new_contractid],'new_amount','0') ),
SetVar('AdminFee', FindValueFD('GetAdminFee', 'new_earlyterminationfee', '0' )),
SmartFlowReturn( if ( GetVar('CountRemainingMonths') >= 4 ,
MaxOf( GetVar('AdminFee') + (GetVar('SumRemainingAmount')*.4) ,
GetVar('AdminFee') + GetVar('FourTimesPayment') ),
GetVar('SumRemainingAmount') + GetVar('AdminFee')
Formula Detail - Remaining Rental Months
The following set of steps outline how to create this Formula Detail
- Create a new formula detail record for the formula
- Set the name to be 'RemainingRentalMonths'
- Copy & paste the fetch-xml from below in the query field
- Click save

RemainingRentalMonths - Fetch-XML
<fetch version="1.0" output-format="xml-platform" mapping="logical" distinct="false">
<entity name="new_rentalpayment">
<attribute name="new_rentalpaymentid" />
<attribute name="new_amount" />
<filter type="and">
<condition attribute="new_contractid" operator="eq" value="@new_contractid@" />
<condition attribute="new_duedate" operator="on-or-after" value="@new_lastrentalpaymentdate@" />
Formula Detail - Get Admin Fee
The following set of steps outline how to create this Formula Detail
- Create a new formula detail record for the formula
- Set the name to be 'GetAdminFee'
- Copy & paste the fetch-xml from below in the query field
- Click save
GetAdminFee - Fetch-XML
<fetch version="1.0" output-format="xml-platform" mapping="logical" distinct="true">
<entity name="account">
<attribute name="name" />
<attribute name="accountid" />
<attribute name="new_earlyterminationfee" />
<link-entity name="contract" from="customerid" to="accountid" alias="aa">
<filter type="and">
<condition attribute="contractid" operator="eq" value="@new_contractid@" />
Wizard - FindCountFD
Please see below the wizard you can use to create the FindCountFD() function call used in this formula.
Note that for Formula Detail (Query ) , you will need to have created the Fetch Xml beforehand.