
Scenario Overview

In this scenario we need to capture the description field that is entered when a Case is Resolved & move it on to a field on the Case entity.

This allows us to perform much easier Advanced Finds on the Case to find out how the case was resolved.

Resolve Case Form


Case Resolution Description copied onto the Case Entity


North52 Decision Suite Solution

The North52 Decision Suite solution works like this,

  • A formula is created which executes on the Create of a Case Resolution record

  • It uses the incidentid field to lookup what Case needs to be updated 

  • It updates the Case with the description on the Case Resolution entity

North52 Decision Suite Steps

The following set of steps outline how to create this Formula

  • Create a new formula of type 'Save - To Parent'
  • Set the Event to 'Create'
  • Set the Source Entity to 'Case Resolution'
  • Set the Relationship to 'incidentid (incident)'
  • Set the Target Property to 'Case Resolution Description'
  • Copy & paste the formula below into the formula 
  • Click save & test



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